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The climate of the western coast is relatively mild due to the warm waters of the Golf current, which passes along the coastal strip, with comfortable summer temperatures between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius (59 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit). Occasionally temperature can rise to 25-30 degrees Celsius (77-86 degrees Fahrenheit). Water temperature varies from 4-8 degrees Celsius at spring to 18-20 degrees Celsius late summer.

Normally the fjords are sheltered from prevailing winds and conditions calm.

Western Norway does get a lot of rain during the year. During the summer months the rainfall is less and especially the Nærøyfjord sees very little rain at this time of the year, compared to the surrounding areas. Species of plants usually only found in Eastern Norway are commonly found in this region.

If you have time to pay us a visit in the autumn, you will see the mountains at their most beautiful, exploding in colour. Our guided tours are available until mid October.

Winds can occur during any time of the year, and may affect our itineraries and timing. This has proven to affect us on very few days during our season and we are usually able to run all tours as scheduled.

Evening clouds creating dramatic scenery above Aurland