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Norway is a country of full of mountains, Fjords and glaciers.

The fjords and mountains of Norway are formed in some of the oldest and hardest rocks of Europe. These rocks are part of an old mountain chain - the Caledonian mountain range - that was once as high as the Alps or Himalayas, but is now eroded down.

The fjords have also served as main transport routes for more than a 1000 years, connecting different parts of Norway during winter when mountain passes where unsuitable for traffic.

The Nærøyfjord and valley has recently ( autumn 2002 ) been submitted for UNESCO`s list of World Heritage parks, thus ensuring that future generations can still enjoy what we are today.

In certain areas along our fjords there are walking sections suitable for hiking up the valleys, into the mountains. These hikes can be readily integrated with Sea Kayaking and our new 3-day Guided Sea Kayaking tour does include a days hiking up into the mountains.

The Norwegian fjords are considered one of the natural wonders of the world. Seeing it all from a Sea Kayak is maybe the most harmonic way of truly experiencing the fjords.
The Aurlandsfjord at Autumn