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All our kayaks are fitted with retractable rudders and have 2 water tight compartments. They are in bright colours for safety and good looks. Our policy is to replace equipment regularly and well in time before worn out.

We receive many favourable comments on the quality of our equipment and have a range of kayak designs which best suit the range of products we offer. Your guide will help find the kayak that best meets your personal requirements.

Also some kayaks are faster or lighter or more stable than others. All models in our fleet have been tested on many trials in order to find a comfortable product for our clients.


We use right handed paddles as standard, available in 210 cm to 230 cm in length. On advance requests we may sort you out with left hand paddles.

All our kayaks are fitted with retractable rudders and have 2 water tight compartments. They are in bright colours for safety and good looks.Your guide will help find the kayak that best meets your personal requirements.
Our equipment as used on our tours and rental packages consists of all paddle related gear and ensure you will have a comfortable and pleasant experience