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Our base in Voss has been moved to Gudvangen for the 2014 season and onwards. You may still choose to meet us in Voss for our Guided Sea Kayaking tours, or simply meet us in Gudvangen at our new location. Once you contact us by e-mail to inquire about our tours or to make a booking we will provide detailed information about the meeting location, transport and accommodation options.

How to find us:

Follow the road signs to Voss if you arrive by car. We are 100 km East of Bergen along the E16, on the way to the fjords. Once you reach Voss you find the Park hotel as you arrive at the centre of town. Our base is situated on the lake side of the hotel, you can find free car parking at the central parking lot which is located next to the nearby lake side café.

If you arrive by bus or train you should get off at the Voss train station. Our base is just a short 2 minute walk away, simply exit the train station towards the lakeside. Continue left down towards the lake keeping the Esso gas station on your right hand side. Follow the path to the left as you reach the lake, our base is just around the corner in the back yard of the hotel.


Voss is within short travelling distance from Bergen, Gudvangen, Flåm, Aurland, Ulvik or Eidfjord. Wherever you may be staying there are good connections by train or bus, making it easy to make it in time for our tours.

Our New location in Gudvangen near the Nærøyfjord