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From our base in Gudvangen we offer rentals and half day tours out on the fjord. The base will open early June and be staffed during most days throughout our season. Bookings essential.

Since our overnight tours also depart from here the new base will also serve as starting point for these tours, thus improving facilities.

From the very start of tourism to the fjords of Western Norway a very popular way to see the fjords has been to travel by cruise ships, or by a floating hotel as these ships were called, calling in at Gudvangen, often with more than 1000 passengers on board. An excursion to Stalheim gorge and the famous Stalheim Hotel was mandatory.

Today Gudvangen remains one of the most popular stops for tourist. Should you wish to stay up at the Fjord we can highly recommend a stay in the local Gudvangen Fjordtel combined with one of our Kayaking experiences offered in the area.

We have recently set up a new extended base in Gudvangen, further improving our service to our clients.

Gudvangen seen from above - our Gudvangen base is found across the bridge at the waters edge