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At our base we provide you with your personalised paddle gear including a Farmer John wetsuit, a pair of neoprene booties, a paddle jacket with a hood and buoyancy aid as standard. The wetsuit is optional during mid summer.Your personal equipment is then being packed up in a mesh bag until we get dressed up at our starting point.

You will also be able to make use of a waterproof camera bag if you would like to take your camera along for the day.

Our guides obtain current weather forecasts daily and will choose the more sheltered areas providing good conditions for sea kayaking. If we against all expectations are unable to run a tour due to the weather being unsuitable for kayaking, you will be given the choice between rebooking for another day or you will receive a full refund.

We recommend you bring a sun cap and sunglasses, a fleece jacket, your camera & film. You may also want to wear your swim wear underneath your clothing as you may get moist during the day. Pre-Trip Information

Average summer conditions provide us some of the best Sea Kayaking conditions found world-wide. Constant daylight, comfortable temperatures, sheltered waters and great scenery all help making the experience unique even for beginners or first time paddlers.

We use a combination of single and double kayaks for our tours - ensuring stability and comfort whether you are a beginner or an experienced paddler