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Why on earth should I do this?

To be able to say 'I DID IT', to wear the shirt or to impress the babes. All noble reasons, but the best reason to jump is still to face your FEARS, to do BATTLE with your MIND. To push yourself past the sweaty palms and the pit in your stomach to accomplish something you never dreamed you could do.

Is it dangerous?

Well.! Bungy jumping has proven safer to do than most things. World wide more than one million public jumps have been accomplished. History shows that the weakest link in the chain traditionally has been human error. We use written - on site checklists that require 2 instructors double checking vital points throughout our procedures. This practically eliminates risks of one single person forgetting one vital point due to stress factors - the most common source for previous Bungy incidents or accidents.

As a jumping customer you will have full insight in our quality control procedures on request - also you may follow our checklist as all points are being verified before jumping.

How strong are the Bungy Cords?

The Bungy cords are made to withstand 5 times the strain that we would subject them to. You can lift a car off the ground with a bungy cord!

What materials are the cords made of?

100 % Latex rubber.

Who makes our Bungys?

We have our Bungy cords supplied by the worlds leading manufacturer, AJ-Hackett -Queenstown. Not only have their cords been tested and developed over more than a decade, it is simply a question of ensuring use of unsurpassed quality for each component making up our system. AJ-Hackett has more than 1 million jumps as a reference on their cords.

How many people have jumped?

Approaching 1 million around the world on Bungy jumps in total.

Bungy jumping has been performed from many different objects - each object require its own set up and safety is always the primary concern closely followed by comfort for the client.

Bungy jumping off a flying parasail has also been performed in the past - we are however the first company who has developed a full commercial system available to the public. Each single jump deserves and get the same unsurpassed attention and our staff who all are professionals will do their very best to ensure that your requirements are not only met, but exceeded.

Not many clients have jumped yet as we have just opened this year. We are aware that you would prefer to read that thousands of people have jumped of the parasail before you, but it is not so. You will be stepping on new ground here and obviously need to put a lot of trust in us, our procedures and the equipment.

Do all the staff have to jump?

Yes, we all do!. Some of the staff jump regularly and we therefore understand the anxiety that nervous customers has before jumping. We do our very best to assist you and help you making the step over the edge as easy as possible. The trust and confidence you have developed in your instructor at the time you get to jump altitude is a deciding factor for most people before they decide to jump.

What should I wear in order to jump ?

Come as you are or bring comfortable clothing preferably not too loose fitting. A pair of cotton pants and a sweatshirt seems to be the preferred outfit for many.

We can lend you a light fleece and a windproof jacket.

We provide all the instruction and will gear you up in proper harnesses, well padded for you personal comfort.

You can choose to jump with a full body harness with a back attachment or a foot- tie system with a twin foot pad attachment. In any case you will be wearing the full body harness as a back-up.

What happens if the weather is bad on the day of my jump ?

If the weather conditions are not suitable, the operation can be either put on weather hold for up to a couple of hours or re-booked for another day Any ongoing jump operation will be stopped if weather conditions are changing noticeably during operations and well in time before becoming a danger for the safety of the operation.

What happens if I find myself unable to take the step over the edge and decide I can not jump while being up there all geared up?

No problems - anxiety at this stage happens and is normal. Your instructor will assist you and try to help you by talking you through the jump sequence - if necessary we will seat you back in your seat and go around for another jump run - this will give you some time to calm down and reconsider. We are not at your side to rush you, or push you, rather to assist you!

If you against all expectations still decide not to jump on the second run we will seat you back in your seat and land the parasail back on the deck of the boat. If there are others waiting to jump we will go on and jump them first before giving you the final opportunity to go up again for a last attempt. There are no refunds given for not jumping but you will get a lot of flying time in the parasail instead!

We have our Bungy cords supplied by the worlds leading manufacturer, AJ-Hackett -Queenstown. Not only have their cords been tested and developed over more than a decade, it is simply a question of ensuring use of unsurpassed quality for each component making up our system.

The parasail has been custom built for the purpose by Waterbird and is capable of lifting up to 300 kgs in flight