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What is our safety record? Have we had any Parasailing Accidents?

No we are happy to report, we have had no parasailing accident, not even a stubbed toe.

Is it fun?

Fun? Most of our customers would consider this to be an understatement!
Are the instructors and crew specially trained, experienced and or licensed?
Yes! All of our instructors and boat drivers are specifically trained in all aspects of parasailing boat handling and flight procedures, some with many years of flight experience, Some of the best in the world!

How long does the adventure last?

The entire boating adventure lasts for approximately one hour with each person flying for 10-15 minutes. For larger groups we may stay on the water longer.

What is Tandem and who can participate?

Two people can fly together, there are two types of tandem rides: Flying side-by-side or seated front and back. Weight limitations apply. Should you wish to fly tandem you must notify us when you book as we use separate parasails for dual flights and need to rig up accordingly. Whether you will be able to fly tandem also depends on the wind and weather conditions at the time of your flight. Subject to staff approval.

Will we get wet?

Typically not. If you wish we will do our best to keep you dry, however you may want a dip, we will try to accommodate you if the conditions allow. If you are booked in for a flight by your friends organising your bachelor party, raise your hands. in this case you will get very wet!
Can we bring our own camera equipment?
Yes, however we cannot be responsible for any loss or damage to your personal property. You may take your camera up for the flight at your own risk.

Can people come along to enjoy the boat ride and just watch?

Observers are welcome on a space available basis!
The cost is 50 NOK each.

Is it difficult?

No, if you can sit you can fly! No experience or talent is necessary, we do all the work, you have all the fun!

Are reservations recommended?

Yes! Due to the popularity of our ride and limited space available (12 passengers maximum per trip) reservations are recommended, specially for weekends.

What are the age limits?

We don't recommend children under the age of 8 fly solo, but recommend flying dual with an adult instead. Our oldest flyer was a man 86 years young. Subject to staff approval.

What are the weight limitations?

This depends on the wind conditions at the time of your flight. The minimum weight is about 50 lbs. (solo flight) and the maximum weight is approximately 400 lbs. (Dual flight) tandem weights vary, conditions apply. Subject to staff approval.

What type of parasailing do we offer?

"Winch Direct Parasailing" the most widely accepted form of parasailing in the world today, the type of Parasailing witch allows you to safely take-off and land fis rom on board the boat not off the beach or a floating barge as seen in Mexico and many other resorts.
Utilising a hydraulic winch, you are slowly reeled out from the flight deck located on the boat, after an incredible and scenic flight you are then reeled back to the boats flight deck.

How should we dress?

Casual loose fitting clothing, shorts if warm and sunny, bathing suits, sandals, tennis shoes even jeans are ok, you should also bring a fleece jacket or wind breaker just in case you get cold. It is recommended to bring a towel.

I have heard that you also offer parasailing flights for disabled?

True, we have with great success flown people in the past with various physical disabilities and are proud to claim that parasailing truly is one of the few activities where disabled are able to enjoy themselves without being affected by their physical handicap. You will need to notify us when booking so we can rig up with the equipment most suitable for flying you.

All of our instructors and boat drivers are specifically trained in all aspects of parasailing boat handling and flight procedures, some with many years of flight experience, Some of the best in the world!
Parasailing with modern equipment is safe and fun