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Preparations are needed before you can jump so advance bookings are necessary, though you may show up and jump on board on a short notice - if we are operating at the time and have space available you are welcome to come along.

Before signing up for a jump you should know the following:

1. Before being able to jump you will be requested to sign a standard waiver & disclaimer.
2. Jumpers travel in excess of 115km/h.
3. The complete jump procedure with 2-3 people jumping will take 1-1 1/2 hours including briefings. Dress for being on the boat for this period and otherwise according to weather & temperature.
4. You will be weighed in order for us to establish which cord is the correct for your weight.
5. Weight restrictions apply. Minimum 45 kgs, maximum 95 kgs apply, no exceptions.

Click on " Show full text version " above in order to see all details.

Come see us for more information about the jump and availability should you require more information before signing up.

You find our base on the lake side of the Park Hotel at the centre of Voss.

We are currently working on setting up our system with camera mounts and in-flight photos and video will soon be available for all jumps on request